
Princess Hotels Fuencaliente

You will find a selection of our products every Wednesday from 18.30 to 22.00 at the Palma & Teneguía Princess Hotels in Fuencaliente. The small craft market takes place in the covered corridor between the main restaurant and the staircase (if you are in front of the entrance to the restaurant, on the right). In case of heavy rain or storms, the market will be cancelled.

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Sol Hotel Puerto Naos

Until May 2018 we have also exhibited on Fridays at the Sol Hotel in Puerto Naos in front of the entrance to the buffet restaurant in the basement.  Unfortunately, the hotel has decided to not offer this market any longer.

Mercadillo Villa de Mazo

For various reasons we decided to give up our stand at the farmers' market in Mazo. We would like to thank our long-standing customers and invite them to visit us in our shop in Fuencaliente instead.