Where we are

You will find our small craft gallery and workshop A Mano in the south of the island of La Palma in Fuencaliente. This town was renamed Los Canarios a few years ago, and since then both names have been in use - even on the road signs. The municipality, which consists of six neighbourhoods, is located on the LP 2 road: this main artery connects the capital Santa Cruz de La Palma in the east of the island with Los Llanos de Aridane in the west and runs directly through Los Canarios via the south of the island.

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If you are travelling from Santa Cruz/Mazo, turn left shortly after entering the town onto the LP209 in the direction of Las Indias and Princess Hotels, and if you are coming from Los Llanos, turn right after passing through the town. Follow the road to the roundabout and continue in the direction of Las Indias/Princess Hotels.


It is not easy to find the right exit; look out for the kilometre sign ‘LP209 km3’ and turn sharp right after approx. 30 metres and drive around the bend up the hill. Pay attention to the mirror on the slope, as vehicles may come towards you here.

Drive up the hill for approx. 50 metres, cross a small junction and after approx. 30 metres further on you will find us on the right-hand side.

The easiest way is to park above the property; go about 10 metres further uphill, then turn right and you can park your car here.


You can of course also reach us by bus, but you should be able to walk well, as the path from the bus stop to us is not very far, but it is steep. To do this, change in Los Canarios to line 23, which runs via the Princess Hotels to the Faro, and get off at the first stop in Las Indias.

The following lines serve Los Canarios:

 200 from Santa Cruz de La Palma via Breña Baja and Pueblo de Mazo to Fuencaliente and back.

201 from Santa Cruz de La Palma via Hoyo de Mazo to Fuencaliente and back.

210 from Los Llanos to Fuencaliente and back.

 The walk from the bus stop to the gallery is about 150 metres, but it is very steep.

You can find the timetables here.

opening hours

The craft gallery A Mano is open from Monday trough Friday from 10.00 -14.00. If you would like to visit us outside of these times, please make an appointment by calling +34 680 825 491, or via whatsapp or telegram, or you can use our contact form.

Appointments at very short notice are also no problem (and actually only serve to save you unnecessary journeys in case we are not there).

bio shop Oh!Bio in Mazo

New: We now have a small corner in the new premises of Oh!Bio, the organic shop in Mazo, where we can display a selection of our products. Several times a week, one of us is available to advise you personally or to discuss orders. If we are not there ourselves, please ask our colleagues at Oh!Bio, who will also be happy to help.

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The opening hours of Oh!Bio:

Monday - Friday 11 a.m. - 6.30 p.m.

Saturday 10.30 a.m. - 2 p.m.

The new address: Carretera General, 14 (this is one house further in the direction of San Pedro / Santa Cruz than the previous location)