where we are

Our craft shop / gallery is located in the south of the island of La Palma, in Fuencaliente or Los Canarios, (the place was renamed a few years ago from Fuencaliente to Los Canarios, but in the street signs you can still find both variants, and the municipality consisting of six villages is still called Fuencaliente), directly on the LP 2 ring road that goes from Santa Cruz de La Palma to Los Llanos de Aridane.

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Coming from Santa Cruz /Mazo, the gallery is about 20 m after the LP209 junction, which leads through Las Indias to the Princess Hotels, on the right, or coming from Los Llanos / Elpaso, 20 m before the junction on the left. There is a sufficient number of parking spaces within walking distance.

by bus

Of course, you can also reach us by bus. The following routes will take you to Los Canarios:

200 from Santa Cruz de La Palma via Mazo to Los Llanos and vice versa.
201 from Santa Cruz de La Palma via Mazo to Fuencaliente and vice versa.
203 from Fuencaliente to El Faro and vice versa.  This line also passes by the Princess hotels.

 The walking distance from the bus stop to the gallery is about 30 meters.

Schedules can be found here.

opening hours

The gallery is open Monday to Friday from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. If you wish to visit us outside these hours, please make an appointment on +34 680825491 (also through whatsapp), also on short notice.

and where else...?

We started many years ago to present our products in different markets on the island and some of those we still attend. Here you can find which, where and when.